Background Overlays

Version 1.0 | Last Updated: 2025-01-15


Background overlays are extremely simple object types which serve only one purpose, which is to get a prefab loaded in while the background is set to a specified one, unloading once the background changes to something else.

How to Create a Background Overlay

  1. Right-click in the Project window of Unity, or go to the Asset menu at the top left.
  2. Navigate to Create > Asteria > Background Overlay.
  3. After selecting "Background Overlay," give your background overlay a unique name (this refers to the asset in the project, not the name shown in the inspector). To avoid conflicts with other mods, consider naming it something like MyModName_BackgroundOverlayLocationName.

Camp Background Overlay Example


Example Image 1

Background Overlay Data

Name Summary
Background Name The addressable path of the background.
Read more about Addressables here.
Prefab Name The ID of the prefab to be loaded in as an overlay of this background.
Read more about Prefabs here.